Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Marie Antoinette

Marie-Antoinette: Am I to be Austrian or the Dauphine of France?
Ambassador Mercy: You must be both.

The story
Letting everyone down would be my greatest unhappiness.

The Love
Louis XVI: Ooooh! Your feet are like icicles!

Marie-Antoinette: [to her first-born, a daughter] Oh, you were not what was desired, but that makes you no less dear to me. A boy would have been the Son of France, but you Marie Terese shall be mine.

The dresses

The shoes

The cupcakes
Let them eat cake!

The garden
The scenes that are dear to me...the garden scenes.
Every scene shot in the gardens is pure and simple perfection...

Marie-Antoinette: [in the gardens] Welcome to my little village!
Princesse de Lamballe: I love it!
Duchesse de Polignac: It's heaven here!

I will do a separate post on the garden scenes, because they deserve it!

It's the year of the boar and my horoscope was looking great. And then on January 2nd I had to visit my mother in the hospital. Perfect way to begin the new year right?
I could choose...completely break down and be of no use to my mother or wipe my tears and get my shit together. And so I did.
I packed her stuff together and went to the hospital. Seeing her with needles in her body and other things stuck to her, I wanted to fall on the floor and cry myself into and ocean, but I had to be strong for my mother. And so I was.
She's back home now.

I did a post on Marie Antoinette, first of all because I absolutely LOVED the movie, but also because it made me see that things could always be a little bit worse or a little bit better. You just have to make the best of the situation you're in. When the things take a turn for the worse, make it better with love, fashion and cupcakes!!


Lori Bailey said...

I have no clue what a "Jones" is... but CONGRATS!

I think....


Unknown said...

Hahaha thank you! It's like my mojo. Feeling good about things and looking at it with a positive attitude.

Overboard said...

I once put a similar subtitle in my blog...'looking for someone to love for the rest of my life' and I met an Italian jerk. LOL.
So be careful.
Avoid the Italians, okay.


Liz said...

Actually, the Chinese New Year doesn't begin until some time in Feb (I think), so it's all still good !!!!
NO MAN is worth screwing your life and mind up over.
Mata ne
PS Dang WV

Unknown said...
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Jeffrey said...

Thanks, great blog.